- Cleric
- Paladin
- Skill Build
1. Cleric
1.1. Introduction on Cleric
The Cleric is one of four basic classes in Dragon Nest, also, the hardest class to play in my opinion. The Cleric has expert difficulty, unlike the other classes (Can be seen at Character Creation window). Being the hardest class to play, the Cleric has multidute of roles and has so many opportunities in all areas in the game. It's like hitting the 'hard' difficulty on an arcade game when playing a Cleric I tell you that much. The Cleric can advance to either "Paladin" or "Priest' when you hit level 15.
1.2. Cleric's Skills
The Cleric has many skills. Some of them are important for offense, some for defense, etc. So let's see and try to discuss each of the skill.
1. Shield Blow
Strike your enemies by bashing your shield towards them.
A great basic skill for a Cleric. The damage and the AoE are not satisfying, but the short cooldown duration makes up for it. This skill is great in PvP, as it adds extra damage while chaining combos.
2. Lightning Strike
Strike enemies in front of you by swinging your weapon upward and sending a lightning afterward. Does a physical and magical damage. Effective on downed enemies.
While it's not a great crowd controller skill and a weak skill in PVE, it is great skill to be used in PVP. A very great launching skill to raise the potential of your combo in PVP.
3. Half-Turn Kick
Kick the enemies in front of you by clicking [Special Attack]. Spammable due to not having cooldown. Great when paired with Holy Kick.
Great skill to have. This skill acts as a secondary offensive skill when other primary skills are in cooldown. The great thing about this skill is that this skill is spammable, so this skill can act as a primary skill, especially against bosses, due to the knowledge that the AoE of this skill is crap and probably won't be used when facing mobs. In PvP, this skill acts as an extra skill while doing combos. Also used when to bounce your enemy off the wall. You can make this skill more godly by equipping Half-Turn Kick Premiium Heraldry (Action Speed -50%). Then, you will have a fast and spammable skill alongside with Holy Kick.
4. Stomping Kick
Double stomp on downed enemies by clicking [Special Attack]. Hold the [Special Attack] if you want to send your enemies flying with a kick.
Not a very good skill because the lack of the AoE and damage. Use it on downed enemies when your offensive skills are in cooldown. It is not a very great skill to be used in PvP either.
5. Sliding Step
Double-tap a directional arrow or press [Shift] + directional arrow to evade any attacks in that direction.
A very great skill. MAX THIS OR I'LL EAT YOUR BABIES. Increasing the rank of this skill will reduce the cooldown time of this skill thus making this one of the godly skill to have when it is maxed. Why did I say it a godly skill again? Hmm, because it is used for mobility and evasion, and those are two important aspects in both PvP and PvE.
6. Charge Bolt
Charges a bolt of lightning on your weapon and smash it onto the ground. It'll spread in four directions upon contact. Deals light damage.
This skill is great when used against big bosses. Self expalantory. It reduces your opponent's light resistance by 15%. Great skill to be used before other light damaging skills (such as Electric Smite, Lightning Charger, etc. see below: Paladin skills.)
7. Block
Defend yourself using your shield.
Self explanatory. This skill works wonder. Increasing this skill's rank will increase the amount of attack you can block per 15 seconds for PVE, and 12 seconds for PVP. This makes you block any attack 100% for those periods. A basic tanking skills for a Paladin with reasonable cooldown. Good skill in both PVP but PVE, but beware, it can interupt your other skill while casting.
8. Fly Kick
Press [Special Attack] when airborne to strike your enemies as you land.
I don't know the usefulness of this skill so I can't tell you what's good about this skill. The damage in PvE is weak. PvP wise, you can do this skill on downed enemies for the lul. A presrequite skill for Holy Kick. On the contary, this skill is good for evasive purporses, especially in PVE. Use it while after evade airborne using Aerial Evasion or after blocking an attack while airborne via Aerial Block.
9. Counter Blow
Press [Normal Attack] when downed to counter attack as you get back standing.
An okay skill to be learned, although effects aren't as useful as other offensive skills. Go ahead and learn this skill if you know its greatness and use its capability up to the fullest.
10. Low Kick
Click [Special Attack] on stunned enemies to hammer kick and knockdown them.
This skill is useless. The damage from the skill is weak. Don't get this skill. You have been warned.
11. Holy Kick
Press [Special Attack] after Half-Turn Kick to perform a side kick.
Holy Kick is also a great secondary offensive skill to have alongside with Half-Turn Kick. You can enhance the effectiveness of this skill by equipping Holy Kick's Premium Heraldry (Action Speed -50%). Spam this with Half-Turn Kick against bosses, and there. You are now one of the great DPS class out there.
12. Holy Bolt
Send a holy bullet to your enemy. Paralyzes enemies when hit.
A very good catching skills with high amount of Super Armor while being casted. But leave it to the prerequisite (level 3) for Holy Relic. Works wonder with Holy Relic. Holy Relic has long casting time, but with Holy Bolt, you can secure a safe Holy Relic to your enemies.
13. Heal
Heals yourself and your teammates.
Best skill ever if you used it in the right situation. But to be honest, I leave this skill at rank 1. The increase of the heal per level is not satisfying.
14. Sliding Knee Kick
Tap right click after sliding step to knee your enemy. SKK rank 3 allows you to do an extra downward kick to launch your enemy even higher.
The most debated skill in the Cleric tree. If you prefer PVE over PVP, you can choose to leave this. But if you are more into a PVP player, put this to rank 3. Either rank 3 or rank 0. The choice is yours. In PVP, this is useful when you do combos to your enemy. When you are too close to your opponent, there is high chances you might fail in your combos (After the fifth normal attack). This skill will help you make a space between you and your enemy and do some more combos. Also does a pretty high damage.
15. Divine Combo
Dash forward and perform a serial of divine attacks to your enemy. Press the normal attack button to bash your shield while exploding your surrounding with holy power.
A good skill in PVP as it can chain your combos and thus doing Infinite Combo easier. Although in PVE, it is pretty useless mid-endgame.
16. Aerial Evasion
Use the jump button when launched into the air to evade and back onto your feet on the ground.
Without this, have fun juggled by Warriors and Clerics (and some Archers). A very USEFUL SKILL, I tell you once again, very useful. Also a must max skill as it decreases cooldown per level, by huge a decrease per level.
17. Toughness.
Decreases physical damage taken by certain percentages.
A no-brainer skill, MAX IT. The decerased physical damage effect affects in PVP.
18. Physical Mastery.
Increases max HP.
Also a no-brainer skill, MAX IT. The increased max HP affects in PVP.
19. Mental Mastery.
Increases max MP.
Great skill as it increases max MP.
20. Mana Conquer.
Increases MP Recovery per minute.
A must max skill used in larger instances like Nests. Without this, you'll be run out of MP quick.
2. Paladin
2.1. Introduction on Paladin
The Paladin is one of the two advancement classes after you reach level
15 as a Cleric. The Paladin is the main tanker of the game, while the
Priest is the main supportive class of the game. You won't find any
informations about Priest "here". The thread is only meant for Paladins.
The Paladin, given the advantages of having the best defense skills,
highest defense and Health in the game, also has disadvantages. Such as,
weak DPS capability (can be corrected using kicks, but high prices on
heraldries), lack of offensive skills, and etc.
2.2. Paladin Skills
Paladin has many skills which are categorized into 3 skill trees and
some additional skills. The statement also explains why Paladin has the
most roles in the game aside of their main role, which is a tanker.
2.3. Paladin "Magical" Tree
These skills below are categorized as magical skills, which role is to
deal high magical damage which are used for DPS purporses.
1. Holy Relic
Summon an ancient relic to damage enemies ahead of you.
Holy Relic is a great skill for a Paladin, especially if you have high
MATK. Even if you don't have, this skill can be used as an opener. This
skill has big AoE and light-magical damage is produced upon contact with
You need level 11 Holy Relic to achieve Crusader's Holy Relic EX which is the improvisation of the skill. (Effect(s): +50% Damage from Holy Relic, about twice the size of the previous Relic)
2. Sacred Hammering
Summons the divine hammer to aid you in your attacks (normal attacks). Increases stun rate.
Sacred Hammering skill allows you to fly out divine hammers here and
there while striking your enemies with your weapon. Additional 2-3
light-magical damage will be produced each hit. If you uses flail, the
attacking animation will be changed of that of a Mace's attacking
animation. Great DPS continous-skill for Paladin, especially for those
who have great MATK.
3. Lightning Charger
Charges the air in front of you to electrify your enemy.
Electrified enemies will send out another attack to electrify the
enemies near them.
Lightnin Charger is another great skill for a Paladin. This skill deals
great light-magical damage and covers medum-large AoE. This skill
reduces your opponent(s)' light resistance by 15% which boost other
light skills. (The same debuff like Cleric's Charge Bolt). This skill is
like the advanced version of Charge Bolt. In PvP, this skill can
interupt your enemy while being struck by three waves of electric/light
damage. Best used in tight situation or when the enemy has great amount
of escape/evade skills. (Acrobats, Swordmaster, etc.).
4. Electric Smite
Charge yourself with the power of lightning, jumps and pound the ground together with the lightning to deal major damage.
Electric Smite deals the most damage in the magical tree (in comparison
to other skills per shot). Deal two portions of damage (physical and
magical damage) with reasonable cooldown and has light element. This
skill covers a large area of effect and dishes great damage. This skill
will also electrify the enemies upon contact with certain chance. (IDK,
but some say, the chance to electrocute is 100%)
5. Thor's Hammer
Summons a humongous size of hammer, probably lent from Thor himself, and swing it heavily three times to deal great damage.
Thor's Hammer is one of two ultimate skills. This skill deals humongous
amount of damage with great AoE but long cooldown. This skill, like
Electric Smite, deals two portions of damage and has light element.
You MUST get this skill to be able to learn level 45 Crusader skills.
2.4. Paladin "Physical" Tree
Although not as good as the Magical Skill Tree in terms of damage, this
tree focuses on debuffing and threat generating for tanking purporses.
1. Divine Breaker
After doing [Sliding Step] tap the left click once to break your opponent's shin and launch them to the air.
This is by far, your only effective launching skill. Needed in every
situations (Except against a unlaunchable bosses). Damage wise, this
skill deal mediocre damage with reasonable cooldown. A physical skill,
launcher, and generates threat. In PVP, this skill is the most important
launching skill you have in your skill tree. Without this, your chance
of winning is below 10%.
2. Armor Break
Dash in front slightly, strike enemies by bashing your weapons against them, breaking their defenses.
Probably the best physical skill you will ever gain. This skill does
large damage despite on its low cooldown (Only 8 seconds in PVE! 10
seconds in PVE though), generates threat and also decreasing their
physical defense. A very good skill for every Physical Paladins to
increase their physical damage. In PVP, this skill itself is very good
because of its damage and armor reducing capability, but is easy to
predict which can bring disadvantages when used in wrong situation. In
PVE, use this before doing kicks (If you are a Physical Paladin) to
increase the damage, because HTK and/or HK is physical. Large damage,
generates threat, and reduces defense. Best skill ever given to Paladin.
This skill will close the disadvantages of Paladin of having limited
offensive skills.
3. Shield Charge
Charges in using your shield to your enemies and strike them with your weapon after.
While casting this skill, you take less damage from enemies. This skill
does great damage but doesn't have outstanding effects unlike Armor
Break. In PVE, this skill is better used against boss to inflict massive
damage and for mobility. In PVP, this skill is VERY good, not to
inflict massive damage, but as mobility. This skill also useful against
those classes that have a lot of evasion skills. This skill can kill the
evasion skills because it has great amount of hits.
2.5. Paladin "Shield" Tree
This skill tree focuses on tanking capabilities. Skills that
categorized in this tree are used for survivabillity, to neutralize
damage and to minimalize damage taken from enemies. This tree is what
makes Paladin so special in Dragon Nest.
1. Auto Block
Passively blocking any attack in a certain rate.
Auto Block is both good and bad. The good part is that Auto Block can
block any attack passively in correct situation, but it is also
disadvantageous. Because it interupts you while casting skill, stopping
yourself in the middle of the animation. For some people, Auto Block
could become your undoing. Unlike Block, this skill is unpredictable and
is not situational. The skill itself is not fascinating, but the EX
skill that you'll gain later is so much better, see the explanation
after this.
You need level 8 Auto Block to be able to achieve Guardian's Auto Block EX which is the improvisation of the skill. (Effect(s):
Gain 2% STR and 2% INT for each bubble this skill produce through any
defensive skill. ex: Block, Auto Block, Stance of Faith, Aerial Block.
Stackable to 10 bubbles which grant you a total of 20% STR and INT.)
2. Stance of Faith
Instead of jumping, press [space] / jump button to enter the
defensive stance. Upon contact with an attack, this skill will BLOCK
that attack, physical or magical and deflect it in a form of magic wave
which deals 100% magic damage per block. The magic wave has neutral
Stance of Faith, in my opinion is the advanced version of Block and
Auto Block. Stance of Faith feature isn't limited for blocking purporse,
but also to deflect any damage done to you. A cookie butter skill for
every tanker (physical) build. Using this skill in tight situation is
very preferable, although you may want to use it after provoking for a
safe tanking. A very good skill to be used while facing a huge amount of
mobs while waiting the CD of other skills to reset. In PVP, people tend
to use this skill to cheat, such as cooldown wh*ring, which "always"
been restricted in other version of DN.
3. Aerial Block
Passively block any attack done to you while airborne.
The chance of blocking that Aerial Block offers is somewhat higher than
Auto Block. This skill is greater to have actually. Because you won't
be able to cast any great skill while airborne. In PVP, this skill is a
lifesaver against juggler. Is not that menacing in PVE though. Although
there is no reason to increase Aerial Block, because the growth per
level is somewhat mediocre. Increasing the rank of this skill could
waste your SP for some other important skills.
4. Divine Punishment
Reflect any damage done back to the attacker in a certain
percentage from the actual damage for 20 seconds. The reflected damage
is calculated on the damage you take without buffs and defense. The
reflected damage's element is light.
Actually I couldn't find any goodies from this skill, so couldn't add
any comment on this skill, because this skill is the most uncommon skill
to use both in PVE and PVP. PVE wise, naturally, monster's attacks are
too soft and not that much of a threat, so this skill is utterly
useless. PVP wise, people are usually escape when seeing you using this
5. Iron Will
Decrease any damage taken by an enermous amount of percentages.
Need to say more? This skill can decrease any damage taken up to -75%, and you'll be needing this skill. Enough said.
6. Divine Ascension
Uppercut your enemies after blocking. Generates threat.
One of two counter skills. This skill is somewhat useless in PVE, but
its cooldown makes up for it. Block has 15 seconds duration which means
you can do around 5 Divine Ascesions per block, without counting Auto
Block. An okay skill to have if you have some leftover SP.
7. Divine Vengeance
Pound the ground and send shockwave to enemies after blocking. Generates threat and knock the enemies backward.
The last counter skill. This skill, instead of uppercutting your
enemies, Divine Vengeance will knock your enemies which is a good opener
in PVP. PVE wise, this skill has great damage but unreasonable
6. Divine Avatar
Creates an avatar of yourself which deals damage and protect you
from any harm for certain duration. So powerful that it gives you
enermous powers such as follows:
- Strength +300%
- Vitality +100%
- Intellect +300%
- Movement Speed +50%
Divine Avatar is one of two ultimate skills. Divine Avatar buffs you
with a godly amount of percentages (as you can see above) and grants you
immortality for 20 seconds (PVE) and 12 seconds (PVP). Deals
light-magical damage when casted. If you ever see a runner in PVP, you
should use this skill.
You must learn this skill to be able to learn level 45 Guardian skills.
2.6. Paladin Additional Skills
The skills that aren't categorized in one of three trees above will be explained below.
1. Provoke
Taunt your enemy to attack you instead of your teammates. This
skill will reduce the chance of doing critical and stunning attacks to
This skill is great in parties. This skill explains why Paladins are
needed in Nests. Paladin is a natural tanker to begin with. With this
skill, you can taunt (even bosses) to attack you. Coupled by blocking
skills, big HP, and humongous amount of DEF and MDEF, you just name
yourself a great tanker.
2. Elemental Aura
Grants you and your teammates in 10m radius an increase of Fire/Ice
Attack and Fire/Ice Defense. This skill is toggled which means this
skill doesn't have cooldown duration. This skill eats your MP per
A great skill to use if you have Elemental Lord in your party. Great
against Elemental Lord in PVP either. This skill is Elemental Lords
advantages and undoing.
3. Conviction Aura
Grants you and your teammates in 10m radius an increase of Light
Attack and Light Defense. This skill, like Elemental Aura, is toggled
which means it doesn't have cooldown duration. This skille ats your MP
per second.
A very great skill to have to boost your DPS, because the majority of
Paladin's skills are light elemented. It's also great against fellow
Paladins and Priests.
3. Skill Builds
3.1. Magical Paladin Skill Build
This build is created for Crusader wannabes. The main skills and changes in this build are:
Maxed Electric Smite
Maxed Armor Break
Maxed Holy Relic
Thor's Hammer as the Ultimate.
Here are some suggestions and/or tips from me to finalize your build:
You may want to add Conviction Aura to boost your damage (because majority of your skills have light atribute)
- You can also add Elemental Aura, but it won't give you any benefit at
all, because Crusader is a DPS oriented class, unlike Guardians who are
striving to the support and survivability role.
- You may want to decrease Armor Break. I maxed it because Paladins are
a good defense debuffing class. Without it, you're useless in parties
imo, aside of tanking. It breaks Super Armor as well as generates
- Block level 7-9 is viable, but is not recommended. Aside of waste of
SP, I think level 6 Block is enough in comparison with its cooldown.
- You can increase Lightning Charger, and it is recommended. Some
Paladins chose not to max the skill, because the damage growth per
level/rank is weak.
- You can increase Provoke to 4 to support/help the main tanker in the party.
- You may want to not getting Holy Kick. I used to the skill, even as a Crusader. It helps a lot in PVP situation.
3.2.Physical Paladins
Shiba's level 40 Basic Physical Build for Paladin
This build is created for Guardian wannabes. The main skills and changes in this build are:
Maxed Armor Break
Level 4 Provoke for tanking purporse. (It is recommended to have the
Premium Heraldry of the skill to infinitely taunt your enemies)
Level 6 Block for survivability.
Level 4 Stance of Faith for survivability.
Divine Avatar as Ultimate.
Here are some suggestions and/or tips from me to finalize your build:
Block level 7-9 is viable, but is not recommended. Aside of waste of
SP, I think level 6 Block is enough in comparison with its cooldown.
You may want to add Elemental Aura and max it for survivability and
supporting purporses. (To decrease any damage from Elemental Lord
significantly and increase Elemental Lord's damage if you have Elemental
Lord in your party)
You can also add Conviction Aura to boost your damage from light-elemented skills.
You can max Provoke, but is not recommended in the current caps. (level 4 is enough together with its Premium Heraldry)
Updated 25 Dec 2011

Shield Blow - Leave it as prerequisite to Block.

Lightning Strike - Leave it at level 1.

Half Turn Kick - Cleric's basic skill. Essential for Physical Paladin. Level 1 at its max.

Stomping Kick - lol one of Cleric's basic skill. No explanation needed right?

Step - It's bad. The skill picture is misleading. lol. Aside of that,
everything else about Sliding Step is beyond godlike. Max it.

Bolt - Leave it at level 1, although it is possible to level this skill
if you have sufficient SP. (Only viable to Crusader want to be.)

Block -
It is recommended to level this skill to level 6. Actually, you can
increase this skill's level to level 7-9. But it is waste of SP, because
in my opinion, level 6 gives you an enough amount of block in
comparison on its cooldown. Guardian want to be can max this skill to
increase his tanking capability.

Fly Kick
- Learn this skill if you are and are not going to learn Holy Kick. Fly
Kick is a life saver sometimes in PVP. If you don't PVP, don't learn
this skill if you're not going to learn Holy Kick. Guardian want to be
must learn this skill to be able to laern Holy Kick.

Blow - Personally, I don't like this skill. Thanks to its long
animation, people could predict the time you stand on your ground and
launch more attacks. It's all on preferences. You can either leave it or
learn it.

Low / Axe Kick - Don't get it.

Kick - Get this if you're planning to get the premium heraldries of Half
Turn Kick and Holy Kick. Very recommended for Physical Paladin. Magical
Paladin may get this too, but it's too risky while having not enough
PATK. Heed my words Guardians to be, you'll need this effin skill to
enhance your DPS.

Bolt - Leave this skill at prerequisite for Holy Relic, increasing this
skill will only increase the damage done by it, which isn't the main
purporse of this skill

Heal - I
recommend you to put this at level 1, although the idea of being a
secondary healer isn't that bad too even if you are a Paladin. If you
are intending to increase this skill, go ahead and increase this skill
at least level 7. It's either level 1 and 7.

Knee Kick - This skill is only useful for PVP to enhance your combo. Put
this skill at level 3 for extra downard kick which is pratically needed
in PVP. In PVE, don't learn this skill, at all.

Combo - Like Sliding Knee Kick, this is also a PVP oriented skill. If
you PVP that much, learn this skill at least level 1. Don't learn if
you're not into PVP that much.

Evasion - Max it or put it at least level 1. In PVE, this skill is
useless but is also useful while being knocked airborne. The skill is so
useful in PVP. You could tell by the cooldown decrease per level. Also
being juggled in PVP is normal, this skill is the antidote for that.

Toughness and Physical Mastery - Max them.

Mastery and Mana Conquer - Mental Mastery is useful and all, but Mana
Conquer isn't that good of a skill. Mana Conquer is good only if solo a
lot (because soloing will burn your MP fast). You can choose to ditch
Mana Conquer, but don't be for Mental Mastery. Put at least level 1 for
Mental Mastery.
Credit goes to
December 24, 2011 at 5:29 PM
Nice, my guide has been posted here as well. :) Hope the guide helps!
(@ Author: The guide has been up with several changes, please edit the post! :D)
December 25, 2011 at 2:06 PM
Hello Shiba, Thanks for visiting my blog.
@Request: Okay sure, I will update asap.
If you have any further guide that you want to publish on my blog, feel free to Email me at
December 29, 2011 at 4:29 AM
Hmm, I've changed the magical build for level 40 Paladin. I disallocate points on fly kick and holy kick for the sake of players. :o